Congratulations to Rina Zelmann et al. on their new article on consciousness and stimulation in Neuron!!!!
scash2023-09-18T16:48:14-04:00Congratulations to Rina Zelmann and authors on their new article in Neuron entitled “Differential cortical network engagement during states of un/consciousness in humans”.
What happens in the human brain when we are unconscious? What happens when we are unarousable? Using electrical stimulation and recordings from inside the human brain Dr. Zelmann, Dr. Cash, and colleagues in the departments of Neurology, Anesthesia, and Neurosurgery provide direct experimental evidence that during unconsciousness, such as natural sleep, the human brain is uniformly affected, while lack of arousability during general anesthesia, is linked to a profound disruption of function and connectivity in prefrontal regions.
Zelmann R, Paulk AC, Tian F, Balanza Villegas GA, Dezha Peralta J, Crocker B, Cosgrove GR, Richardson RM, Williams ZM, Dougherty DD, Purdon PL, Cash SS. Differential cortical network engagement during states of un/consciousness in humans. Neuron. 2023 Aug 29:S0896-6273(23)00618-9. doi: 10.1016/j.neuron.2023.08.007. Epub ahead of print. PMID: 37659409.